Summer vacation is, for some kids, a break from tiresome and boring old school, and a chance to play video games all day. This is obviously not what summer vacation is intended for. Sure, it's OK to play some video games, and to enjoy a break from school, but the main focus' can also be recuperation in between grades, a relaxation time for frustrated feelings, and family time.
The recuperation factor is a time to remember things, store them, and not have the stress of constantly learning something new. School has many demands that are good and sometimes fun, but eventually you need a chance to get away and reflect on it all and remember your good attitude for school's exercises. However, this should not be taken advantage of. You can still work on keeping your knowledge, and learning a tiny bit for the next year. This could be put into effect by getting some sort of workbook and just doing a page a day. It's not to much to ask to take away ten minutes out of a whole day of free time.
Every one needs a little break from school because of frustration or tiredness. This is a time to sleep in and have a bit of time to yourself. It is time to have a break from tests, homework, and all other kinds of stress. It's not that these things are bad, but after almost ten months of it all, people get frustrated and need a break. As much as school is intertwined with your future, no one wants to do it all year, no matter how determined they are. Even if school is fun, everyone is glad when summer vacation comes about.
Spending time with family is important to everyone. Because school is about six and a half hours a day, and homework adds to that, you don't get much time to spend with some of the most important people in your life. Even if it is little things, like reading devotions together, or a friendly game of Chess, at least you won't have to regret not building good relationships with parents, grand parents, or other family. Summer gives a lot of time for making campfires, hosting barbecues, and many other things to do with your family. Even a two player game of Mario Kart can build relationships. Summer is a time to be together, not to play one player games of Call of Duty with no one else around. It also gives time for camping and many family trips.
Altogether, summer is very important and it gives us all many opportunities. School also provides opportunities, but summer is definitely a needed break. Summer vacation is a time for recuperation in between grades, a relaxation time for dealing with frustrated feelings, and for family time. Personally, I'm looking forward to a camping trip at Yellowstone!
-Written by N.
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